Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Mom

As I sit hear thinking about my Mom, I wish we had more time together with her.  The holidays are coming and I am not ready for them.  Even though my Mom has been strugling for several years with Dimentia, I liked knowing she was still here.  Now that she is gone I realize that I have been missing her for a long time even though she was here. 

I miss the stories she told.  She could always make you laugh. 

I love the way she would say come here I want to show you something. 

I miss her cooking and her baking.  No one bakes like her.  She had such a way with food it was like magic.  She would put things together and didn't really measure.  She had her own method for measuring using a real cup and estimating the rest.  It was like magic! 

I miss you Mom! 

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