Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Mom

I miss my mom. I know she is up there in heaven finally without pain and dementia, but I wish she was here with us.  I want to call her and hear her voice.  I would like everyone that knew her to write stories about her.  I want this blog to be a place were anyone can go to write about her and how she touched their lives.  I wish I had more time with her.  Take the time to enjoy your family because they go before you are ever ready. 

1 comment:

Alia Abboud said...

Thinking of my very dear aunt Sobhieh always brought a smile to my face! Still does! A gentle soul and a big warm loving heart! She and uncle George loved the family and always managed to make us feel at home.

There was always this special "hidden" bond between us - she and I. We each were especially fond of each other! Could it be because she and dad were the youngest in the family? or because she and my mum were close friends, and Sobhieh was my mum's bridesmaid? Possibly! But I also believe that it is very hard not to feel attached to such a remarkably loving, and peaceful person, easy-going and fun-loving too, (same personality as my dad's) without feeling drawn to her, and wanting to enjoy the warmth of her company. She was all heart!

My thoughts go back to the early days of the war in Lebanon - just before we left for West Africa and aunt Sobhieh and her family went to USA. I can still remember the honking of their car as they took the turn to our house, and we'd all rush out with much excitement to welcome our aunt and family. Nice fond memories!

I thank God that we had the opportunity, since then, to get together again both in Lebanon and in US. I also thank God for the beautiful (& growing) family that she left behind - wonderful cousins who share her kind and loving spirit. I pray that God may give you all - and uncle George too - His peace and comfort for she will be greatly missed.

Alia Abboud